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12 elementary school students with trained volunteer tutors to help with reading and math.
10 children with bilingual beginning-to-read books to build early literacy skills.
Three 30-minute appointments for health assessment and counseling for individuals facing physical, developmental or mental health challenges.
One acre of unprotected tropical rainforest which assures protection of the natural areas vital to our climate and diverse species.
One hour of expert training for a citizen’s group interested in preserving natural areas in their communities.
$260 a year ($22 a month)
Two months of meals for a homebound person.
Five wigs for children with cancer undergoing chemotherapy.
Two nights of shelter for a troubled or neglected youth.
After school care (food, health, recreation, and homework help) for one child for a year.
Clothing, shoes and a winter coat for one individual who has lost everything in a home fire.
Temporary shelter for a family of four for three nights following a disaster, or shelter for 10 people for one night.
Three bowling trips for seniors.
Gas or power service for an elderly or disabled person who has been threatened with a utilities termination notice.
$520 a year ($43 a month)
Two days of care for a terminally ill individual.
Baby formula for 52 low-income infants (one each week).
A full year of scouting for two girls.
Five and a half weeks of work training.
One month of preschool for a child at risk of falling through the cracks.
Funding for daily radio legislative updates, during the legislative session and monthly for interim committees.
Lightweight wheelchair for a person who is physically challenged.
Posters and other educational materials to inform national park visitors about steps they can take to help prevent increased air pollution in their parks.
Allows five people being treated for mental illness to attend recovery classes that provide education, peer support, and healing strategies.